The Best Ways to Easily Lighten Pubic Area

Amanda Lawrence

Dark skin on the crotch can be embarrassing, especially on the beach. Changing the color of this area is not a medical issue but a cosmetic one. There are several causes of this condition, and the most common ones are genetic factors. Basically, genes affect pigmentation development in this area, but regular shaving, excessive sweating, polyester underwear, exposure to UV sun rays, and skin disease can lead to hyperpigmentation of the crotch. Read on to find out how to whiten the bikini area and which natural home remedies are the right choice for an issue with dark pubic skin.

How to Lighten the Pubic Area

There are many home remedies which can help when it is about the issue of how to lighten the pubic area. Since the dark skin is not a disease, visiting a physician is necessary only in rare cases.

Natural remedies

1. Aloe vera

Used on a regular basis, this natural skin lightener can help the skin of the pubic region to fade. Plus, this plant has antioxidant, antibacterial, and antiseptic properties. It will help with the natural regeneration of skin cells regardless of the type of skin and in removing the toxins from the body, including the skin. Ways of using:

2. Direct application

After taking a bath, apply the gel from a cut leaf directly on the dark pubic area. Wash it off with cold water after thirty minutes. Repeat treatment daily to assure quick results.

3. Cucumber paste

Combine Aloe Vera gel with cucumber and make a paste. Apply it to the private area. Expect smooth and lighter skin after a while.

4. Papayas

This fruit contains papain. This enzyme bleaches skin and protects it from bacteria that accumulate in hidden body parts, including the private ones. Additionally, it promotes the growth of hydrated and healthy new skin cells. There are three methods of using papayas:

5. Fresh, ripe papayas

Apply ripe papaya pulp on the bikini line and let the juice dry approximately fifteen minutes. Wash the area off with regular water.

  • Green papayas, honey, vitamin E oil

Apply a paste made of a ¼ cup of green papaya pulp, yogurt, honey, and a few drops of vitamin E oil onto the pubic area. After massaging the paste onto the skin, let it dry for twenty minutes and then rinse it off with lukewarm water.

  • Soap

Use natural papaya soap daily while taking a shower. First results will be visible after a few weeks.

6. Lemon juice

Lemon is an excellent skin-lightening remedy due to its acidic properties. It contains vitamin C, which helps remove dead cells. Also, lemon helps with stimulating the regeneration of healthy skin cells and improving skin tone in general. The way of using:

  • Direct application

Cut a lemon in half and rub the skin at the bikini line with the inner part of the lemon for fifteen minutes. Wash the area with warm water. Repeat the process daily.

  • Honey, yogurt

Make a mixture of half of a lemon, ½ teaspoon of honey, and one tbsp of yogurt. Apply the juice to the pubic area, leave it to work for ten minutes, and rinse the skin with water. Keep in mind that lemon juice can cause skin irritation if it is applied recently after waxing the bikini area.

Professional care

If home remedies can't help, ask a dermatologist how to lighten the pubic area.

1. Skin bleaching cream

This cream, which contains hydroquinone, is one of the most popular lightening treatments. It prevents the production of the pigment melanin in the skin. Keep in mind that using this cream for a long period may be toxic to the liver. In that case, the dermatologist may recommend a milder treatment and alternatives that have fewer side effects.

2. Kojic acid cream

Kojic acid inhibits the creation of an amino acid, tyrosine. Since it is crucial for melanin production, indirect action helps with skin bleaching. This skin-lightening cream contains only 2% hydroquinone, and it is safe for use.

3. Laser hair removal

This procedure is a good solution in cases when the darkening of the pubic area is caused by shaving or waxing. Though it is believed that the result is semi-permanent, after completing the recommended amount of treatments, the hair won't practically grow again.

4. A bleaching agent

Avoid using bleaching agents, such as chlorine, for lightening the private area without consultations with a doctor. In fact, only dermatologists should do this treatment because of the concentration of bleach.

How to Avoid Darkness of Pubic Area?

There are many ways to whiten the bikini area, but it is always better to prevent its occurrence. Let's see:

Personal hygiene

  • Underwear

Wear breathable and comfortable cotton underwear. Allowing the air flow will prevent the irritation of bikini lines and possible hyperpigmentation of the area, which is caused by sweating.

  • Soap

Use a mild soap while cleaning the pubic area, and keep away from chemical-based products.

  • Sunblock

Use sunscreen while sunbathing to prevent darkening of the exposed skin. It is recommended to use a high SPF (Sun Protection Factor) number on that region. There are also some natural skin lighteners, such as olive oil, that should have been applied to the area while exposed to the sun.

  • Exfoliation

Exfoliate the delicate crotch skin at least once a week. Getting rid of dead skin cells will prevent irritation. Practice exfoliation before each depilation using a loofah, which will help to remove the dry skin.

  • Waxing

Choose to wax the pubic area and avoid shaving because a razor can damage the delicate skin and cause skin discoloration. Keep in mind that using too hot wax can also cause darkening.

Proper nutrition

  • Diet

Eating a healthy diet is crucial for healthy skin. The everyday diet should include whole-grain cereals, vegetables, fruits, and lean meat. Omega-3 fatty acid, vitamins, and minerals are essential for keeping the skin healthy including maintaining its right tone.

  • Water

Drinking enough water during the day will flush out toxins from the body, keep the skin hydrated, and consequently light and smooth.


Don't know how to lighten the pubic area? It is actually not so hard. There are numerous home remedies and medical procedures that can help to solve the problem. However, some of these treatments shouldn't be used without consultation with a dermatologist.